住区雨水利用与景观水体水质保障工程设计实例_gaga_新浪博客 关键词: 雨水设计; 景观水体; 水质保障 [gap=797]Key words: rainwater design; landscape water body; water quality control
polluted landscape water body 受污染景观水体
clean landscape water body 较清洁景观水体
urban landscape water body 城市景观水体
eutrophic landscape water body 富营养化景观水体
small-scale landscape water body 小型景观水体
water body landscape 水体景观
Using eutrophication model based on WASP,Chlorophyll-a peak and equilibrium value of treated wastewater recycled to urban landscape water body in various seasons was simulated.
参考来源 - 不同季节中水回用于景观水体的藻类增长模拟·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Protecting landscape water body mainly controlled its content of COD, BOD5, TN and TP and the growth of algae. Keeping it clean and the whole water quality.
Christie's said the viewer was "not invited to consider a specific place along the river, but rather an almost 'platonic' ideal of the body of water as it navigates the landscape".
Shanghai World Expo used this technology to biologically purify the water body in the park and has made a good landscape.