Last In First Out 后进先出 ; 后进先出法 ; 先进后出 ; 栈称为后进先出表
last in first out list 后进先出表
last in first out discipline 后进先出规定
method of last-in first-out 后进先出法
LIFO-Last In First Out 后进先出 ; 先进后出 ; 后进先出库存管理及估值方法
last-in first-out 后进先出
last-in first-out stack 后进先出栈
last in first out stack 后进先出堆栈
last in first out memory 后进先出内存
The virtual stack -- like a real stack -- is a last in-first out (LIFO) data structure that temporarily stores function arguments and function results.
Each manager had to cut one employee, and unfortunately, I was last in, first out.
每位主管都必须裁掉一名下属。 不幸的是,我成了那个最后进去、最先出来的人。
As you probably know, a stack is a data structure that is used to add and remove items in a last-in, first-out manner.
正如你可能知道的那样, 堆栈 是一种数据结构,被用来以后入先出的模式增加或移除条目。