最后一公里(Last kilometer)也称为Last Mile(最后一英里),是指完成长途跋涉的最后一段里程,引申为完成一件事情的时候最后而且最关键性的步骤。
说到“最初一公里”(Last kilometer),也是老生常谈的话题了,正在通信行业,经常利用“最初一公里”来指代从通信办事供给商的机房互换机到用户计较机等末端设备之间...
The Last kilometer 竞争 ; 最后一公里
last kilometer user access 最后一公里用户接入
Last One Kilometer 最后一公里
The Last One Kilometer 最后一公里
last one- kilometer 最后一公里
the last one-kilometer problem 最后一公里问题
The power-line is a widely distributed carrier, how to use it to transmit information, particularly to solve the "last kilometer" problem is the hot spot of network building.
As the "last kilometer" of information highway, access net is the bottleneck of the current networks. So the technology of broadband access turns into the hotspot of the research.
Whereas new HFC network has the advantage of bandwidth and cost, consequently, it is desired to behave more and more perfectly on "the last kilometer" of information superhighway.