regular part of laurent series 罗郎级数的正则部
principal part of laurent series 罗郎级数的挚
Laurentreihe Laurent series 罗郎级数
laurent series ring 洛朗级数环
Laurent series expansion 罗朗级数展开
field of formal Laurent series 形式洛朗级数域
laurent ' s series 罗伦级数
laurent s series 罗伦级数
It is widely used to develop complex functions into Laurent series at the neighborhood of a pole.
It is assumed that the plate is in close contact with the ring without initial stresses. Stress functions of the plate and the ring are formed by a complex Laurent series.
The complex potentials were expanded into Laurent Series whose coefficients could be expressed by recurrent relations. The stresses and displacements were then be determined by complex potentials.