leaf spot 叶斑病 ; 桑褐斑病
Apple Chlorotic leaf spot Virus 苹果褪绿叶斑病毒 ; 绿叶斑病毒 ; 和褪绿叶斑病毒
leaf spot of tomato 番茄叶斑病
gray leaf spot 灰斑病 ; 灰色叶斑病 ; [植保] 灰叶斑病
angular leaf spot [植保] 角斑病 ; [植保] 叶角斑病
piricularia leaf spot of rice 稻瘟病
brown leaf spot of rice 稻褐色叶枯病
Septoria leaf spot 红豆草壳针孢叶斑病
Tobacco Brown Leaf Spot 烟草赤星病 ; 第二节
Cercospora Leaf Spot 叶斑病 ; [植保] 褐斑病 ; 甜菜褐斑病
This makes it easier to spot ants and to capture them before they can escape into the surrounding leaf litter.
Under the treatments, the occurrence time of septoria leaf spot was delayed 15 days.
A bacterial leaf spot on Clausena lansium(Lour) Skeels was observed.