left hemisphere 左半球 ; 左侧半脑 ; 大脑左半球 ; 左半脑
left-hemisphere damage 左半球损伤 ; 左半球损害
left-hemisphere inferotemporal region 颞下叶
left hemisphere superiority 左半球优势
left cerebral hemisphere 左脑 ; 左大脑半球 ; 左半脑
the left hemisphere of brain 左脑半球
Left cerebellar hemisphere 左侧小脑半球
If there's enough redundancy in the brain so that even if your right hemisphere got destroyed, your left hemisphere still has all the same memories.
Those of you who are right-handed, which comprises about nine out of ten people, have language in your left hemisphere.
Researchers from Brown University found that a network in the left hemisphere of the brain "remained more active" than the network in the right side of the brain.