Leg Curl 腿弯举
Leg curl machine 屈腿训练机
Lying Leg Curl 俯卧后屈腿 ; 其中俯卧腿弯举 ; 卧姿勾腿训练器
Seated Leg Curl 坐姿腿弯举
Machine Leg Curl 机器式大腿弯举
Leg curl jump 屈腿跳 ; 后屈腿跳
Standing Leg Curl 站姿腿弯举 ; 大腿后屈
leg curl flexion machine 小腿曲伸器
decline leg curl 倾斜腿弯举
同义词: leg curling
以上来源于: WordNet
Intimately involved in the fight or flight response, the psoas can curl you into a protective fetal ball or flex you to prepare the powerful back and leg muscles to spring into action.
Base on elucidating the meaning of "curl leg-drive technique" and the hip-drive , the article analysis the linkage between the two chiefly from the physical view .
Lie facedown on a leg curl machine, and hook your ankles under the padded bar.
平躺在长凳上,双脚置于地面。 正手抓住杠铃,你的双手比肩稍宽。