(二) 法律条款 ( Legal Code ) 这是为法律人所设计的正式授权 条文,是每一个授权标章实际代表的 法律意涵,及确保授权条款在法庭上 具有效力的完整版本。
②法律文本(Legal Code) 是能确保许可协议在法院具有效力的完整版本。③数字代码 (Digital Code)是将许可协议转换为机器可读的形式,帮助搜索引 擎或者其...
A draconian legal code 大幅度的削减预算
Especially A Legal Code 尤其指法典
legal-code 合法码字
a legal code 法典
Tangut Legal Code 西夏法典
You need to create and efficiently enforce a formal legal code.
To read the legal code, click here.
These nouns are related in denoting a violation or an infraction of a moral, social, or legal code.
But when you look at it in a comparative light in its legal context, we see that it's a polemic against the class distinctions that were being drawn in antecedent and contemporary legal systems, such as the Code of Hammurabi.
In any event, many scholars through their analysis of these texts have been led to conclude that the Deuteronomistic School updated and revised earlier laws, particularly laws in the Covenant Code, but sometimes also in the older legal stratum of P; and they did so in keeping with the circumstances of the eighth to sixth century.