...,所谓的合股公司是依据衡平法上的信托制度而设立的:董事是公司财产的受托人,对公司财产享有法律上的所有权(legal ownership),负有像对待自己的财产一样照管好受托财产、“善良而忠实”地将受托财产的收益交给受益人的受信义务,公司股东则是公司财产的委...
...进一步,普通法与衡平还各自产生了一种所有 权,导致衡平所有权(equitable ownership) 共存于普通法/ 法律所有权(legal ownership) , ④ 在普通法 与衡平的分类之下,也没有依权利类型划分出的各种物权概念,而只有基于实物对象的实产/ 不 动产和属人财产/ 动产(r...
legal l ownership 法定所有权
legal person ownership 企业法人所有权
ownership legal structure 所有权构成
the company legal person's ownership 公司法人所有权
legal person's property ownership 法人财产所有权
ownership of legal person 法人所有权
ownership of legal persons 法人所有权
Property right means people's legal ownership for one thing.
The British company has asked for legal ownership of the process.
Legal ownership rests with the trustee, and equitable ownership rests with the beneficiary.
"You begin by asserting our rights of ownership," "And I do think asserting our rights of ownership strengthens the legal case.
VOA: standard.2009.03.17
So the legal situation was set up to try to keep the wife's ownership as part of a different family, and so her money didn't go to her husband, and his money didn't go to her.
At the heart of the controversy were changes to marriage laws, including articles that set the legal minimum age for marriage at 18, recognize only civil marriages, allow joint property ownership, expand parental rights, and extend inheritance rights to girls.
VOA: standard.2009.08.27