... habitual residence通常住址;惯常居所 legal residencen.依法登记的住址;法定住所 residence card居留证 ...
... legal representative 法律代表;法定代理人 legal residence 合法居留 legal separation 合法分成居 ...
... residence card 居留证 legal residence n. 依法登记的住址... hall of residence 学校公寓,大学宿舍...
legal l residence 合法居留
Legal stable residence including lease 合法稳定住所包括租赁
residence of legal entities 法人居民身份的判定标准
But for college graduates in the downtown area there is a formal work, and have fixed terms of legal residence, and not affected by this stipulation.
Confirmation of legal residence, if you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.
合法居住权证明,如果您不是递交签证申请所在国的公民,或者您的护照中无法显示在该国的居 住权。
This week Colorado, with an estimated 250,000 illegal residents in a population of 4.7m, voted to deny state benefits, including non-emergency health care, to anyone who cannot prove legal residence.