Legionnaires' disease 军团病 ; 退伍军人症 ; 退伍军人病 ; 退伍军人病症
Legionnaires disease 军团病 ; 军团菌病 ; 是引起军团病 ; 命名为军团病
legionnaires disease bacteria 螺旋体 ; 军团病杆菌
nephropathy due to Legionnaires disease 军团病肾病
National Legionnaires' Disease Conference 军人疾病大会
An outbreak of Legionnaires disease at the Los Angeles Playboy mansion that left more than 70 people ill was traced to a hot tub.
Legionnaires' disease is caused by infection with Legionella bacteria which are found naturally in the environment and thrive in warm water and warm damp places.
Untreated Legionnaires' disease usually worsens during the first week.