Lesser Antilles 小安的列斯群岛 ; 小安地列斯群岛 ; 小安的列斯
Lesser Kestrel 黄爪隼
lesser flamingo 小红鹳 ; 小火烈鸟
Lesser Caucasus 小高加索山脉
Ajax the Lesser 小埃阿斯
Lesser Grey Shrike 黑额伯劳
"the lesser anteater"; "the lesser of two evils"
"the lesser powers of Europe"; "the lesser anteater"
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ You use lesser in order to indicate that something is smaller in extent, degree, or amount than another thing that has been mentioned. (范围或程度) 较小的; (数量) 较少的 [ADJ n, 'the' ADJ 'of' n]
No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors.
ADV Lesser is also an adverb. (范围或程度) 较小地; (数量) 较少地 [ADV -ed]
...lesser known works by famous artists.
ADJ You can use lesser to refer to something or someone that is less important than other things or people of the same type. 次要的; 较轻的 [ADJ n, 'the' ADJ 'of' n]
They pleaded guilty to lesser charges of criminal damage.
the lesser of two evils →see evil