lethal concentration 致死浓度 ; 致命浓度 ; 致死中浓度 ; 的半致死浓度
half lethal concentration 半致死浓度 ; 半数致死浓度
approach lethal concentration 致死浓度
approximate lethal concentration 接近致死浓度
absolute lethal concentration 绝对致死浓度
lethal concentration low 最低致死浓度
medium lethal concentration 半数致死浓度 ; 半致死浓度
Minimal lethal concentration 最小致死浓度 ; 最低杀菌浓度
For copper, she said, the LC50 (the concentration lethal to half of any given species over a certain time) decreases with temperature - meaning that toxicity increases.
The dosage of interest is typically the lethal concentration, known as LC50, that will kill 50% of the population of organisms in a given period of time.
Pretreatment of low temperature could induce resistance to lethal concentration of H2O2.