irohge ibam to nan gudewaui ibyorur junbi hago ijyoEND ================ Letting You Go(就要离别) 现在要把我们的美丽的回忆 与泪水一同藏在心中 不应该流下眼泪 应该要笑著让你离开 在这深深的夜晚 又要准备和你离别 ...
But I'm letting you go 但是我却决定放手让你走
Reason For Letting You Go 放开你的理由
In letting you go 放弃你的同时
i'm letting you go 你可以走人了
Letting you go is 你的离开
Letting You Go - BoA 原曲原唱
Art Of Letting You Go 分手的艺术
Never letting go you 从来不舍得你们
If your parents have questions or hesitate about letting you go, find out what their worries are and then do your best to answer them.
You'll never know how sorry I am for letting you go earlier this year.
What is courage?Is itmaking you love me with tears or letting you go with tears?
Yeah, that's the key thing, letting go of the judgments and getting back to the breath, you just nailed it.