corneal leukoma 角膜白斑
adherent leukoma 粘连白斑 ; 粘连性白斑 ; 粘连性角膜白斑
leukoma buccalis 颊白斑
adherent corneal leukoma 粘连性角膜白斑
leukoma a 白翳
leukoma walleye 角膜白斑
leukoma adherent 粘连性角膜白斑
leukoma adhaerence 粘连性角膜白斑
The management of leukoma cornea combined with strabismus and the priority of penetrating keratoplasty or strabismus surgery are challenging.
Conclusions: 1 for the cosmetic purpose, cosmetic cl is the first choice for the leukoma patient. It is convenient, not expensive, safety and effective.