Theodore Levitt 西奥多·莱维特 ; 莱维特 ; 李维特 ; 而非服务程序
Only in the 1980s did the term get the meaning it now has, when Theodore Levitt, a Harvard academic, used it to refer to the spread of corporations around the world.
Born in Germany where his father was a cobbler, Theodore (usually known as ted) Levitt (1925-2006) emigrated to the United States with his parents at the age of ten.
西奥多·莱维特(1925 - 2006)出生于德国,老爸是位修鞋匠,10岁的时候跟他父母一起移民到了美国。
Then you adopt what Theodore Levitt called "the marketing imagination." you build a personal brand identity that is different, relevant and adds value.
继而采用被Theodore Levitt称作“营销想象力”的方式,构建一个与众不同的、切合个人实际的、能带来附加价值的个人品牌。