Business Tax Returns (Two years) (二年报税表) Building Lease ( 楼房租约 ) Licenses (营业执照) ..
拷贝蓝图(BPC:Blue print copy):不可以通过研究进行改进,并且有生产 许可(Licenses)数量限制。 生产限制(Licensed production runs):一件蓝图最多生产这件物品的数量。
Driver's licenses 驾驶执照
issuance of licenses 发给许可证
licenses Processor 授权处理器
Client Access Licenses exceeded 超出客户访问许可证
Site Licenses 使用权
Creative Commons Licenses 创作共用许可证 ; 协议 ; 创意公用授权条款 ; 创用
licenses collection Licenses 集合
run-time licenses 运转时 ; 要采办运行时
revoke business licenses 吊销营业执照
Sichuan Boiler Works is a key large stated-owned enterprise subordinate to the State Machinery Industry Bureau. It has the design and manufacturing licenses of A class boiler and AR1 class pressure vessel.
参考来源 - 能力与发展·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: licence
"when liberty becomes license dictatorship is near"; "the intolerable license with which the newspapers break...the rules of decorum"
同义词: licence
同义词: permission permit
"I am licensed to practice law in this state"
以上来源于: WordNet
V-T To license a person or activity means to give official permission for the person to do something or for the activity to take place. 准许
...a proposal that would require the state to license guns the way it does cars.
N-COUNT [美国英语] →see licence
Have steps been taken to acquaint breeders with their right to apply for licenses?
Drivers have ten days' grace to renew their licenses.
As operating licenses come up for renewal, dam removal and habitat restoration to original stream flows will be among the options considered.
There are lots of rules to follow, forms to fill out, licenses to obtain, job descriptions to be approved.
VOA: standard.2009.08.04
When you all go and get driver's licenses or when you did get driver's licenses you have to pay higher auto insurance premiums than I do.
You know, I have like licenses to drive commercial vehicles.