如果说风险承受能力是一个比较复杂的指标,那么,生命周期(Life Cycle)就是选择基金时另一个比较简单明确的指标,一般而言,风险承受能力是随着生命阶段而递减的。
寄生虫地生活史(life cycle)是指寄生虫完成1代地生长、发育和繁殖地整个过程。寄生虫地种类繁多,生活史多种多样,繁简些寄生虫生活史中只无性生殖。
...低等生物的生活周期 二、高等植物的生活周期 三、高等动物的生活周期 第五节 生活周期 生活周期的概念: 生活周期(Life cycle): 是指生物个体发育 的全过程,也称为生活史。从合子到个体成 熟和死亡所经历的一系列发育阶段。
Product Life Cycle 产品生命周期 ; 生命周期 ; [工经] 产品寿命周期 ; 产品生命周期理论
safety life cycle 安全生命周期
Enterprise Life Cycle 企业生命周期
software life cycle 软件生存周期 ; 软件生命周期 ; [计] 软件生存期 ; 软件寿命周期
Life Cycle Assessment 生命周期评估 ; 生命周期评价 ; 产品生命周期评价 ; 寿命周期评价
family life cycle 家庭生命周期 ; 命周期
life cycle cost 寿命周期成本 ; 生命期成本 ; 全寿命周期成本
project life cycle 项目生命周期 ; 项目生命期 ; 专案生命周期 ; 对于专案生命周期
product life cycle curve 产品生命周期曲线 ; 生命周期曲线
N-COUNT The life cycle of an animal or plant is the series of changes and developments that it passes through from the beginning of its life until its death. (动植物的) 生命周期
...a plant that completes its life cycle in a single season.
N-COUNT The life cycle of something such as an idea, product, or organization is the series of developments that take place in it from its beginning until the end of its usefulness. (思想、产品或机构等的) 使用周期
Each new product would have a relatively long life cycle.
Their life cycle helps man provide himself with a basic food—fish.
We can see how the product life cycle works by looking at the introduction of instant coffee.
For a brief moment during that stage of its life cycle, the tongue consists of two tiny half-tubes before merging into one.