vial of lifeblood 生命血瓶
The Lifeblood Pillar 源血之柱
Rivers-our Lifeblood 千江汇流
You are my lifeblood 你是我的命脉 ; 你是我的生命线 ; 你是我生命
Lifeblood of the skin 肌肤活力之源
lifeblood detail 生命线
Lifeblood Shrine 鲜血圣地
economic lifeblood 经济命脉
N-SING The lifeblood of an organization, area, or person is the most important thing that they need in order to exist, develop, or be successful. 生命线 [usu with poss]
Small businesses are the lifeblood of the economy.
Coal and steel were the region's lifeblood.