light speed 光速侠 ; 光速创投 ; [光] 光速 ; 疾速光线
light speed Venture Partners 光速创投 ; 基金 ; 光速风险投资 ; 光速创业投资
light speed VCT 螺旋CT ; 螺旋CT机 ; 层容积CT
light speed Memory Architecture 光速显存架构 ; 光速内存架构 ; 光速存储结构 ; 光速显存结构
light speed Venture 光速创投 ; 光速风险投资公司
Project light speed 光速工程 ; 光速计划
light speed China Partners 光速安振中国创业投资 ; 光速安振中国创投 ; 光速安振创业投资基金
Light Speed Swipe 光速碰撞
If this measurement had agreed with expectations, and showed neutrinos travelling at or below light speed, how carefully would we be examining the uncertainties?
Scientists have come up with a much more accurate way of measuring distance - wavelengths and light speed.
That's doable in theory, because special relativity states that time slows down and distances shrink for travelers approaching light speed.