... light gas oil 轻粗柴油 ; 轻瓦斯油 ; 粗轻制气油 LIGHT COKER GAS OIL 轻石油焦制气油 light coking gas oil 轻焦化粗柴油 ...
... light gas oil 轻粗柴油 ; 轻瓦斯油 ; 粗轻制气油 LIGHT COKER GAS OIL 轻石油焦制气油 light coking gas oil 轻焦化粗柴油 ...
light vacuum gas oil 轻减压瓦斯油 ; 轻真空制气油
light coker gas oil 焦化轻瓦斯油 ; 轻石油焦制气油
gas light oil 煤气轻油
LCGO Light coker gas oil 焦化轻瓦斯油
LVGO Light vacuum gas oil 轻减压瓦斯油
light distillate oil manthol gas-oline 轻质油甲醇汽油
light coking gas oil 轻焦化粗柴油
light catalytic gas oil 轻催化裂化粗柴油
The treating process included naphtha absorption, light gas oil absorption and once through hydrogenation, etc.
The inhibitor for coke formaation in the Pyrolysis of light gas oil is studied using a set of continuous tube reactors.
The results can be used to simulate or predict the product distribution and operation character for cracking furnace of light gas oil in an ethylene plant.