与目前流行的轻水堆(light water reactor,LWR)相 比,SCWR 具有系统简单和更高的热效率等诸多优 点,但是由于温度的提高,其工作环境更加严酷。
...缩铀或钸 液态金属 液态金属 ------ ------ 热热((慢慢))中子反应器 中子反应器 轻水式反应器 轻水式反应器(Light Water Reactor) (Light Water Reactor) 压水式 压水式((PWR) PWR) 低度浓缩铀 低度浓缩铀 普通水 普通水 普通水 普通水 沸水式 沸水式((BWR) BW...
轻水 反应炉 ( Light Water Reactor )为目前最主要的商业营运核能 反应炉 形式,全球约有8成核能电厂采用轻水式反应堆,系使用普通水(H2O)作为冷却剂及中子缓和剂,使...
advanced light water reactor 先进轻水堆
accelerator driven light water reactor 加速器驱动的轻水堆
boiling light-water reactor 沸水堆
pressurized light water reactor 压力轻水堆
light water reactor power plant 轻水堆核动力厂
reference light-water reactor 标准轻水反应堆
light water reactor fuel assembly 轻水堆燃料组件
reference light water reactor 参考轻水反应堆
MOX stands for "Mixed-Oxide Fuel", which is a nuclear fuel made by plutonium mixed with uranium. The utilization of MOX fuel in light water reactor is the important direction in the development of light water reactor fuel.
参考来源 - 水堆MOX燃料性能分析与程序开发·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
The power density is about a factor of ten lower than in the light water reactor.
However, such risk can not be neglected for next generation advanced light water reactor.
The research work on MOX fuel has been performed about 40 years in the world, so that the technique of utilization of MOX fuel in light water reactor is mature.
国际上对MOX 燃料的研究工作已经开展了四十余年,在水堆中使用MOX 燃料的技术已经成熟。