That's really just like sin 宛如罪孽
Looks Like Sin 淡紫红莓色
sin g like a bird 唱得轻快嘹亮
I like your sin 我喜欢你茜
And it's greedy... just like sin.
The subtlety of sin is that it never feels like sin when we're doing it.
Sin, like the cuckoo bird, has an insatiable appetite, and it tries to take over our lives.
He permits a real character like Satan to interact with a merely allegorical or symbolic character like Sin. The effect for Johnson - and who can say that this is -- that Johnson is wrong?
Like Milton's Sin, Spenser's Errour is half woman, half serpent, and in a lot of ways she embodies the very problem of religious error.
And the great theologians and philosophers like Augustine wondered about this, can you sin in a dream?