like the style of england
地面高低不平 » Rough terrain 喜欢 英伦的风范 » Like the style of England 而老师正在认真的讲课,没有注意到Tom » Lecture of the teacher is carefully, didn't notice Tom ..
like the style of england
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
In England it is always like that, " he explained. "They play more aggressively , but I like that style of play because the duels are more intense. "
Groups like the Ramones and the Voidoids, following the design lead of the Sex Pistols in England, embraced a graphics style of rough hand lettering or cut and pasted collages, abandoning expensive typesetting for a random, "amateur" look.
WSJ: When the Outrageous Became Mainstream