Simply warns the user that he is close to exceeding his limit and allows him an opportunity to reduce the size of the database prior to receiving the previous warning.
DB2 Express-C can be installed on servers of any size, although it will use only two cores and 2gb of memory. Moreover, there is no limit to the database size.
尽管DB 2 express—c只能使用两个核和2g内存,但是可以在任意大小的服务器上安装它,而且在数据库的大小方面没有任何限制。
The current size limit on a database is 50gb with size increments of 10gb for their business edition and there is a limit of 149 databases per SQL Azure server.
当前对数据库的大小限制是50gb,对于企业版本还会再多10gb,而在每台SQL Azure服务器上,最多可以有149个数据库。