line trip criterion 跳闸判据
bypass line trip 回流管
line trip-out rate 线路跳闸率
trip line 浮锚拉索 ; 锚爪拉索 ; 脱扣线
anchor trip line 锚爪拉索 ; 浮锚拉索
Line Frequency Trip Delay 电源频率跳闸延时超出限定电源频率范围后延时跳闸保护
The trip from Santa Monica to Pasadena was just under 90 minutes via the No. 10 express bus to Union Station and then up an elevator to the bike-friendly Gold Line train to Pasadena.
You 'd better make a schedule to the line in case that your trip delay too long.
The inherent pains along the way are simply mile markers on your trip to the finish line.
It's obvious that the bottom line of my two-day trip is this object C.
显然我两天的行程结果就是这个矢量 C