3、班轮运费( Liner Freight ):班轮运费通常是按照班轮运价表的规定计收的。班轮运价表一般包括货物分级表、航线费率表、附加费率表及活畜费率表、港口规定和...
liner freight rate 班轮运费率 ; 班轮运输费率 ; 班轮运价
liner freight tariff 班轮运价表 ; 班轮运费表
Liner freight rates 班轮运费率
liner freight rconsumed 班轮运输费率
freight-liner 货柜火车
container freight liner 集装箱班轮 ; 集装箱定期快运列车
Freight liner 按期货运列车 ; 货班轮
Liner Conference Freight Tariff 公会费率本
Liner r freight rates 班轮运费率
Imagine you're on an ocean liner when a wall of water ten stories tall RACES toward you like an unstoppable freight train.
"Tariff rates" refer to the freight rates provided in the tariff book of international liner services operators and non-vessel-operating common carriers.
It is in this context that the China-Japan liner market negative freight have been studied.