linger in » 徘徊在 Relates to yard switching operations; » 涉及到院子里切换操作 ; C) support your idea with sound reasoning » 三)支持你的...
Linger in shadows 影中漫步
I linger in the doorway 我在门口徘徊
linger in one's ears 不绝于耳
linger in the air 经久不息 ; 在空气中悬浮
Linger In Our Side 萦绕在我们身边
Always linger in the 在我的心头荡漾
linger in one's mind 萦回脑际
I linger in temptation 我都在诱惑的边沿徘徊
Beautiful shadows in bright waves always linger in the depth of my heart.
Always linger in the depth of my heart.
Record low temperatures continue to linger in Florida.
And we're going to blitz through it like the hundred yard dash, and that means we can't stop and linger in too much detail on different topics.