die lip 模唇
die lip opening 模唇间距
die lip buildup 模唇积垢
Nick On Die Lip 模唇有刻痕
die lip width 模头有效宽度
die e lip 模唇
Width of die-lip 模头宽度
We give lip service to the claim that we're going to die, but at some level, we don't really believe it.
Mount upper die lip after mounting restrictor bar.
The flow condition of plastic melt in the extrusion die is analysed in this paper, and the design method of the die lip-length for plastic plate extrusion is also given.
We give lip service to the claim that we're going to die, but at some level, we don't really believe it.
but rather, is there any good reason to think that we're all or most of us are in that situation, are in that state of belief where, although we give lip service to the claim that we're going to die, is there any good reason to believe that fundamentally we don't actually believe it?