... 另行发布 promulgated otherwise, provided otherwise 流动性比例 liquidity ratio 流动资产周转率 velocity of liquid assets ...
...监督机构提供更多的监督工具,主要用于微观审慎层面,大致分为以下 两方面: (1) 两种监管性 流动资金比率 ( Liquidity Ratio ) 这两种比率强调持有优质流动资产及使用紧急情况应变计划的重要性,秉承了咨询文件的主旨, 即提高资本能力并吸取金融危机的教训...
... 流动资金 liquid capital 流动资金比率/幅度 liquidity ratio; liquidity margin 流动资金调节窗 Liquidity Adjustment Window ...
overall liquidity ratio 总体流动资金比率
Statutory Liquidity Ratio 法定流动率 ; 比率 ; 以及法定流动率 ; 比率
Mutual Fund Liquidity Ratio 共同基金流动率
bank liquidity ratio 银行流动比率 ; 银行资金流动比率
Hui-Heubel Liquidity Ratio 流动性比率
macro economic liquidity ratio 宏观经济清偿率
conventional liquidity ratio 比率
haha liquidity ratio 流动资金比率
liquidity coverage ratio 流动性覆盖率 ; 覆盖率
N the ratio of those assets that can easily be exchanged for money to the total assets of a bank or other financial institution 资产兑现率 (Also called liquid assets ratio)
Ratio of current assets to current liabilities. It is the main liquidity ratio.
The short date repays debt the ability, liquidity ratio, move the ratio soon, the cash discharge ratio, factor outside the form.
According to an investigation, China's enterprises accounted for accounts receivable liquidity ratio of more than 50%, far higher than the developed level of 20%.