报纸 Newspaper 报纸列表 List of North American newspapers ; lists of newspapers ; List of Asian newspapers ; List of newspapers in Africa 电报纸 telegram paper ; telegraph paper ; diagram paper ; blan...
Newspapers and magazines printed long lists of the supplies a stampeder would need. The price for these goods was often extremely high.
Experts are divided but anecdotal evidence suggests that reading long lists in newspapers can help reduce stress and the risk of "Karoshi" - the Japanese term for death by overwork.
专家虽有分歧但是有趣的证据暗示 阅读报纸上的长长的列表能够帮助减少压力与"过劳死"的危险(- 日本对工作过度致死的一种叫法)。
In December, many newspapers and booksellers in the United States publish lists of the best American books of the year.