围棋让人联想起凡尔赛绞肉机那尸横遍野(Littered with corpses)的战场和苏德战场上奔腾咆哮的钢铁大水。而象棋不仅仅让人想起古代两军对垒,鸣金击鼓,捉对厮杀,同时也让人联料到海湾战争中空...
a field littered with corpses 尸横遍野 ; 形容被杀死的人极多
Sure, history is littered with the corpses of those who made bad decisions, but there are a million times more decisions that were made without any really bad consequences.
The current drought, which began when the rains failed once again in April, is not yet as bad as the drought that came in 2005 and left this area littered with the corpses of animals.
Its biggest town, Mingora, which late last year had been a battlefield shelled by the army and littered by militants with headless corpses, appears to have been captured almost without a fight.