littoral zone 沿岸带 ; 滨海带 ; [海洋] 海岸带 ; 潮汐带
communities in littoral zone 沿岸生物群落
littoral zone of Taihu Lake 太湖湖滨带
sub-littoral zone 次大陆架区
upper littoral zone 潮间带上段
littoral zone mining 海滨采砂
Yancheng littoral zone 盐城沿海地区
littoral zone of Lake Taihu 太湖滨岸带
Is located in ZhangJiaGang which is a industrial city and a new harbour in littoral development zone of China.
The distributions have a close relation with bed rock property, littoral zone types, geography, water systems, hydraulic conditions and bed property of sea bottom.
The present dissertation is a systemic study on marine microorganisms in plant habitats of southward and northward littoral zone.