Live and Let Die 生死关头 ; 你死我活 ; 互不相容
Live And Die For Love 生死也为爱
say live and die 飘荡的鬼魂
Live and die with you 与你共存亡
Then Live And Die 那么生活和死亡
Individuals Live And Die 个人生活和死亡
What are they willing to live and die for?
Civilisations live and die by their founding myths.
This willingness to live and die in society is a mark of great deficiency.
He showed people how to live, and just as importantly, he showed them how to die.
What's true about humans is that we live and then we die.
Mythologies are the lives or tales of the lives of gods, tales of the lives of the gods. In pagan religions the gods are born, and they live lives very similar to human lives but on a grand scale and then they die. They might be reborn too.