在工作时间外 » Outside office hours 住在附近 » Living in the vicinity 会上大家就减负是否可行产生了争议 » We will reduce the burden on the controversy over whether it is feasible ..
While most of the donors were living in the vicinity of the Shatin and Tsuen Wan donor centre, a highest proportion (35%) gave blood at the Mongkok donor centre.
虽然大部份捐血者的居住地较为接近荃湾及沙田捐血站,但佔最高比率(35%) 的是旺角。
The KTV newly opened in the vicinity of my living area was forced to shut down under pressure coming from every aspect.
Village Tung Road is well known good living environment, and they have lived in the vicinity of the hostel units, here are some of the regional complex.