自平衡法“荷载-沉降曲线”分析研究_文档下载_文档资料库 关键词:自平衡试桩法,荷载-沉降曲线,转换系数 K [gap=6048]Keywords: self-blanced testing, load- displacement curves, conversion coefficient K
load-displacement curves 荷载位移曲线
load displacement curves 载荷位移曲线
The load and displacement curves is linear at the early stages of the flexural deformation, the dry samples have a little fluctuation before reach the load peak.
The failure process and mode has been observed, and load-displacement curves, cracking and ultimate load, and the strain of longitudinal and transverse steels have been recorded.
The axial compressive load-displacement curves and damage patterns are compared between the hollow thin wall metal cylinders and the thin wall metal cylinders filled with polyurethane foam in test.