自订索书号 (Local Call Number) 自订索书号只供简略编目的资料藏品暂时使用,该书号由 两部份组成。第一部份为两个英文字母'ZZ', 第二部份为 一个七位数字。
Call 911 (or your local emergency number) for the emergency medical service. Ask them to call your practitioner.
Users can call a U.K. or U.S. number for service, but the company plans to add more local call-in lines.
In this case, you should either delete references that are no longer needed, by using the JNI DeleteLocalRef call, or inform the JVM that you'll be using a larger number of local references.
对于这种情况,您应该删除不再需要的引用,方法是使用JNI DeleteLocalRef调用,或者通知J VM您将使用更多的本地引用。