...澳大利亚电信的收费标准非常的复杂,与许多发达国家不一样,澳大利亚的电话是有国内长途(STD Calls)和本地电话(Local Calls)的区别的,这点跟中国一样。而且国内长途也不是一个价,不同距离有不同的价钱。
Local Procedure Calls 本地过程调用
Free local calls 免费拨打市内电话
Local Duect Dial Calls 本地同区域直拔电话
International and local calls 国际和国内电话服务
charging mode of local calls 市话呼叫的计费方式
local direct dial calls 本地区同区域直拔电话 ; 本地同区域直拨电话
Local l calls 本地电话
Place Local Phone Calls 致电本地电话
But, because they're happening in the EJB container, they're local calls.
Local calls do not go through the communication layer and any objects can be passed by reference.
If you are away for a long holiday and need to make local calls, it's cheaper to buy a sim when you're out there.
And, again, the rectangle represents your computer's RAM, the bottom represents the part of RAM that we generally call the stack, main conceptually ends up on the bottom of the stack followed foo by its local variables then the function say foo that it calls and on and on and on and up, but there is, in fact, something above all of this and we've seen this picture briefly and that's this thing called the heap.