下一代网络中业务提供及其优化技术研究[专业:计算机应用技术] - docin.com豆丁网 标准:基丁位置信息的业务,如基 丁何置的计费(LBC,LocationBasedCharging),基于位置的信息服务(LBIS,LocationBased InformationService)等,在这些业务从移动定11i)=中心(MPC,MobilePositioning Center) 中
Location Based Spatial Information Service 空间位置信息服务系统
The service interface for our example is very simple, consisting of one method that can be called by the sample portlet to retrieve the location information, based on a zip code.
我们实例的服务接口非常简单,仅由一个方法构成,以邮政编码为基础,样本 portlet 可以调用该方法来检索位置信息。
Through the LBS (location based service) platform, spatial information data can be conformed and Shared in LBS fields and the platform can provide integrated applications and services.
A push service system for location based tourism information was proposed by the combination of linear quad-tree, wireless network, Geographic information system (GIS) and cross media techniques.