construction of lock chamber 闸室构造
load-lock chamber 加载互锁真空室 ; 承重砖 ; 负载调整
Load Lock Chamber 真空交换舱 ; 负荷固定舱 ; 腔体 ; 下料腔
dock-type lock chamber 坞式闸门室 ; 坞式船闸闸室
air-lock chamber 气闸室
intake main of lock chamber 船闸闸室进水总管 ; 闸室进水总管
usable length of lock chamber 闸室有效长度
the arranging of lock chamber 船闸编排问题
vacuum lock chamber 真空闭锁室
The Chamber do not supply any lock for the change cabinet, if necessary, you may buy in the water.
This machinery insurance-type role to ensure that the delayed action only in the lock chamber when the pressure dropped to a certain value.
The calculation methods of lock chamber wall are mostly approximate with many assumptions, which still need proving both by theory and experiments.