log circular saw 原木圆锯
saw-log 制材用原木
log frame saw 框式锯木机 ; 大框锯
saw log 制造用原木 ; [木] 锯材原木 ; [木] 锯架 ; 制材用原木
Log frame-saw 大型直锯
log hand saw 大带锯
log barking saw 原木清扫锯
log cleaner saw 原木清扫锯
When you cut up a log into boards the thickness of your saw matters.
The first time he couldn't lift a heavy log, he joked about it; but later that same day I saw him outside alone, straining to lift it.
As a bonus, in researching this little factoid I discovered a new word I hadn't known before; kerf. When you cut up a log into boards the thickness of your saw matters.
我在查询这个小词的时候,额外地发现了一个我以前不知道的新词:kerf .当你要把一根原木切割成一块块木板时,你的锯的厚度很关键。