但必要当心的是,经过征象涌现性质以及充斥的操纵逻辑推理(Logical Reasoning)是驾御盘面发言的枢纽。如果你能够平平安安的渡过一天,那就是一种福气了。
Logical Reasoning Test 逻辑推理测试
Logical Reasoning Bible 逻辑推理经典教材
Logical Reasoning Ability Test 逻辑推理能力测验
geographically logical reasoning ability 地理逻辑推理能力
knowledge acquired by logical reasoning 说知
logical reasoning way 逻辑推理方法
Use logical reasoning 运用逻辑理由
fuzzy logical reasoning 模糊逻辑推理
logical reasoning ability 逻辑推理能力
Human being not only has the ability of logical reasoning, but also other abilities such as producing, controlling and expressing emotions.
参考来源 - 情感计算关键技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
School teach scientific analysis and logical reasoning.
It's a spontaneous love affair that no logical reasoning can define.
By "critical thought" I mean real comparative criticism and logical reasoning.
We know machines have limited capacities to engage in mathematical and logical reasoning, to recognize things, to do various forms of computations, and this makes it at least possible that we are such machines.