... [eyelid] 〈方〉∶靠近两鬓的眼角 [look unfamiliar] 看上去不熟识、不认识 [wink;hint given with the eyes;meaningful glance] 眨眼示意或好像眨眼向人示意的目光,常指劝告、命令、指挥或邀请 ...
A lot of email English words might look unfamiliar to us - many look like rubbish!
The internet may look unfamiliar and dangerous, but it could be the ultimate home-entertainment weapon.
A man who says he's never changed a diaper and is on his third marriage to a former model may appeal to a resentful male minority, but will look unfamiliar and unappealing in much of the country.
Because we obviously can't, in any course, or even any set of courses, tell you everything you'll ever want to know in life we've seeded some things in this program that will be unfamiliar, so during the time you're studying the program, get online, look it up, figure out what they do.