纳嘉阔特第三天,早上,我们准备沿山路步行1个小时上瞭望塔(Lookout Tower),虽然这里标榜最漂亮是看日出,有360度全景景观,但是这个季节,八点前还是浓雾迷茫,所以就不奢望了。
Petřín Lookout Tower 佩特任瞭望塔
Fire lookout tower 火警了望台 ; 火警瞭望台
Dorset Lookout Tower 登上多塞特瞭望塔
Korkeasaari Lookout Tower 柯吉萨利瞭望台
Rocket Field and Lookout Tower 火箭试验田和观光塔
Petrin Lookout Tower 林瞭望塔
Zalakaros Lookout Tower 距离佐洛卡罗斯了望塔
Diana Lookout Tower 黛安娜塔 ; 戴安娜看守塔
Clad in weathered cedar shingles, the historic station consists of a lookout tower, cupolas and elevated decks.
Their 17-acre island paradise will feature a 15, 000-square-foot, four-bedroom house that comes complete with a lookout tower.
A tower in the capital city of the Virgin Islands, Charlotte Amalie, still is there. It is believed that Blackbeard used it as a lookout tower.