9 卡通版《卡萨布兰卡》:(8分03秒)由华纳的知名卡通兔八哥(Looney Tunes)在1995年扮演里克,恶搞《卡萨布兰卡》,很搞笑。推荐陈KG先生好好看看,这样的经典都被恶搞了,你一个馒头有什么?
Baby Looney Tunes 乐一通宝宝 ; 宝宝乐一通 ; 兔八哥
the Looney Tunes 华纳群星总动员 ; 乐一通 ; 华纳巨星总动员2011之兔八哥的故事
Looney Tunes Back In Action 华纳巨星总动员 ; 华纳巨星总带动
Looney Tunes Dash 乐一通酷跑
The Looney Tunes Show 乐一通秀场 ; 巨星总动员 ; 反斗乐一通 ; 华纳巨星总动员2011
Looney Tunes Monster Match 怪物尖叫对对碰 ; 对对碰
looney tunes All Stars volume 华纳群星总动员 ; 动画明星总动员
Looney Tunes Collector 华耐明星危机战
Looney Tunes Golden Collection 华纳群星总动员 ; 华纳群星总动员共4碟
以上来源于: WordNet
Categories: to tag blog posts with searchable tags; for example, a blog post about Bugs Bunny cartoons might have as tags "Looney Tunes", "Bugs Bunny", "rabbits", and "cartoon".
分类:用于给博文添加可供搜索的标签。比如,一篇关于动画Bugs Bunny的博文可能会被标上“疯狂的调调”、“Bugs Bunny”、“兔子”,以及“动画”这样的标签。
The Inversion House is an art project that answers the pressing question: what would your neighbor's place look like if it was sucked through a straw in the Looney Tunes universe?