Cause I'm loosing you 因为你已经慢慢离开我 ; 因为我失去了你
I'd be loosing you 会与你分道扬镳
I can't stand loosing you 比博普爵士乐
and then somehow loosing you 然后慢慢将你遗忘
you were loosing for yourself 你过去正被释放
you were loosing for yourselves 你们过去正被释放
With good browsers, you can see a conceptual view and move around freely without loosing your context.
Every time you feel like you are loosing your way and/or your motivation, just look at the map you have made and it will come rushing back.
Customers are angry, your company is loosing money — and with any luck, when everyone finds out it was you, you may actually get fired.