...国艺术家曾说,如果不是因为他,可能他们至今都默默无闻,希克更被奉为中国当代艺术之父,如罗伦佐·美第奇(Lorenzo De Medici)一样的赞助人,而不仅仅是一位收藏家。罗伦佐·美第奇在文艺复兴时期赞助过米开朗基罗和达芬奇,他们曾在他的宫殿里住了好几年。
他出生在1475年,受训于洛伦佐·梅第奇(Lorenzo de Medici)创办的位于佛罗伦萨一座花园中的雕塑学院。到1489年,他已经为罗马的圣彼得教堂雕塑了《圣母悼子》(Pieta)。
It is a work intended to ingratiate himself to Lorenzo DE Medici, the man to whom the work is dedicated, a customary prince, a traditional prince who has just regained his power.
theMagnificentLorenzo de’ Medici: not Lorenzo the Magnificent(1449–92) but Lorenzo, Duke ofUrbino (1492–1519).
尊贵的洛伦佐·德·美第奇: 不是豪华者洛伦佐(1449-92),而是洛伦佐,乌尔比诺公爵(1492-1519)。
For example, he has a revisionist view of the Medici, stubbornly refusing to eulogise Cosimo or Lorenzo de’ Medici, the conventional heroes of popular histories of Renaissance Florence.
举个例子,他坚持修正关于美第奇家族的一个观点,拒绝称颂科西莫·美第奇(Cosimo)和洛伦佐·美第奇(Lorenzo de’ Medici),尽管他们依照流行的历史观点被认为是佛洛伦萨文艺复兴时期的英雄。
It is a work intended to ingratiate himself to Lorenzo de Medici, the man to whom the work is dedicated, a customary prince, a traditional prince who has just regained his power.