Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets, a spreadsheet program.
Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets,一个电子表格程序。
Figure 6 and 7 are two charts created based on “Total number of contents” and “Total size of contents (KB)” using Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets.
图 6 和图 7 是使用 Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets 基于 “内容总量” 和 “内容总体大小(KB)” 创建的两个图表。
You can open the downloaded CSV file using Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel, or your favorite spreadsheet application and create charts based on the statistics data.
您可以使用Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets、Microsoft Excel或最喜欢的电子表格应用程序打开下载的CSV文件,并根据统计数据创建图表。