... 即使有时候我会远离你 it seems I'm far away 即使那样也爱你 Love you even so 即使你在千里之外 Though we're far apart ...
Even so, you'veprobably also run up against people who love your idealism, but warn you tolower your sights, to scale back your ambitions a bit, to settle for somethingless.
虽然如此,你可能已经遇到了一些人非常欣赏上你的理想主 义,但是同时也告诫你要放低你的眼光,稍稍丈量你的野心,把自己的梦想放低一些。
Because even you don't love them, there are so many people are crazy about them.
Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.