... LEO Low Earth Orbit 低轨(卫星) LEOS Low Earth Orbit Satellite 低轨卫星 LER Label Edge Router 标记边界路由器 ...
... Lower Explosive Limit 低曝光限制 Low Earth Orbit Satellite 近地球轨道卫星 Light Emitting Polymer Displays 光发射聚合物显示 ...
LEOS Low Earth Orbit Satellite 低地球轨道人造卫星
low earth orbit satellite networks 低轨卫星网络
Low Earth Orbit satellite LEO 低轨道地球卫星
Low Earth Orbit satellite System 低轨道卫星移动通信系统
leo low earth orbit satellite 低轨卫星
low earth orbit mobile-satellite communications 低轨道卫星移动通信
low-earth-orbit leo satellite 低轨道通信卫星
Atmospheric drag is the main perturbation force on a low earth orbit satellite and is closely related to the variation of high atmospheric density.
The excellent location management scheme can reduce the system cost and improve the performance of the Low Earth Orbit Satellite Mobile Communication system.
The precision of hanging dynamic model based on CW equation was analyzed in detail, and a low earth orbit satellite octahedron configuration was simulated for validation.